Relationship Success Tip: What to Take with You on a Couples Retreat

With the season of Summer Retreat centers opening up before us after the Memorial Day weekend, many of the different Christian and Catholic ministries are sponsoring Bible Study Weekends, Adult Study Forum Weekends, and Couple Retreats to support their ministering to the married couples in the congregations and parishes.

Christian Couple Soul Mates Close Loving Catholic Couple
Christian Couple Soul Mates

Take a look around in your region or area for what the options are.

Sometimes it is your church who sponsors the retreat.  Sometimes a particular denomination like the Southern Baptists sponsor a Couples Retreat at the local area Christian Retreat Center.  And sometimes the retreat is sponsored by a broader national ministry group like Focus on the Family.

Look for and listen for announcements during church services you attend.  Additionally, check with your clergy as well as the church office secretary who often will see mailings from various ministries even if not every single one makes it into the church bulletin.

Well, once you’re brought the topic before your spouse and agreed that the two of you want to go to the retreat together, what then?

Here are some things to keep in mind in the weeks and few days just before you head out for the Couples Retreat together.

How much does the Retreat cost?  Is the price being quoted a Per Person or a Per Couple Price?  Most of the Retreat Centers will have rooms or cabins where each couple will be housed together.  However, you just want to double check on what the bedroom and bathroom situation might be.  Sometimes the Retreat Centers double as Kids Kamps where everything is done by bunk bed and you don’t want to be surprised later on.  Additionally, even when the two of you will have your own bedroom or cabin, sometimes you will be sharing a bathroom communally with other couples.  You’ll want to bring such covering items as a bathrobe and slippers with you which you might not think to do in the Summer time if the bathroom is in the same room which you are sharing with you husband or wife.

What kind of linens will be there?  Will they provide their own sheets and towels?  What about pillows and blankets?  If you or your spouse have any kind of a back or neck problem, you might want to bring along your own special neck support pillow anyway.  What about the mattresses on the beds?  Are they ancient and a touch thin?  You might consider bring along a feather bed to put on top of that mattresses provided just so the two of you are comfortable.

Tomorrow I’ll cover more of the items you want to consider and address for your couples’ retreat before you head out the door so you have what you want with you as you two relax and rejuvenate mentally, emotionally, and spiritually together!

Happy Dating and Relationships,

April Braswell

Related Articles:

Christian Couples Relationship Success Tip: Attend a Retreat Together

April Braswell

April Braswell is internationally recognized as America's Midlife Dating and Relationship Mentor and the award winning expert columnist at Bringing over 40 years of Sales and Marketing expertise, April is a the trusted Small Business Consultant and Coach to Leading Executives and Emerging Leaders. Author of best seller, Get Swipe Right. April coaches marriage-minded men and women to find and attract love, your best life partner. Life Love Love relationship. Love after 40 and 50. Photos appear by licenses with iStock. All rights reserved.

Reader Interactions


  1. Great job on making sure you are prepared as a couple. Frequent trips aren’t always possible and you don’t want to compromise any fun.

  2. Don’t forget the small tea candles and holder . Always check for a smoke alarm first though .

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