Couples Corner’s multi-award winning dating and relationship expert applies her expertise to helping couples to nourish and sustaining a thriving life-long love relationship including keeping the embers of passionate intimacy aflame!

Christian Couples Relationship Success Tip: Attend a Retreat Together

By April Braswell / May 31, 2011 / 10 Comments

When you’re a married couple, it’s an important Relationship Success Habit for the ongoing health and vitality of your marriage relationship to invest some time regularly in taking a retreat together, just the two of you. Even Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar visited San Francisco together alone as couple and left those 19 Kids and […]

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Relationship Success – Married Couples, Keep It Real and Get Out of Dodge

By April Braswell / September 27, 2009 / 24 Comments

I was just visiting with one of my favorite married couples today.  Now you need to know that when it comes to influence and persuasion, I take at least 10% credit for their marrying.  Because the husband was a confirmed, “I’m never marrying again!” post divorced guy.  (very handsome by the way, and yes, remember […]

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