OK, so I know I said I would focus on Baby Boomer Dating this week. However, since it is Passion Week (namely Easter and Passover), I’m flexing my schedule and will instead post of leveraging the events of a given week to MEET MORE PEOPLE, in particular, other singles.
The thing to remember for singles is that yes you want to be meeting other singles, you want to be targeted. But not TOO targeted. Because over 85% of married people met their spouse through other people in their existing social circle.
So, the point here is, expand your social circle with a variety of people. AND do not only focus all of your efforts 100% if the time in meeting other SINGLES.
With Passion Week, whatever your religious beliefs or non-religious beliefs, this is a great time of the year when people are gravitating to various religious institutions to congregate.
Namely, we have the Law of Large Numbers. Large numbers of people are going to Church this week. Leverage that.
Thursday Night is Maundy Thursday. More Catholic, Lutheran and Episcopal Churches observe that.
Friday is GOOD FRIDAY, there will be both noontime and evening services.
Saturday is Easter Vigil with services in the evening and into the night.
Sunday is Easter and some will have Early Morning Sunrise services, often churches near a beach. Other denominations will have services at different times in the morning.
For the Jews, there is the Passover Seder meal. This is typically observed in the home. Phone around and see if any of the temples are hosting any Seder events which you could join. Many will be open to having guests. Oye! Ask.
The other thing, HABIT, which you will be practicing by doing this is the Habit of Learning New Things and Continual Life Learning. THAT is a habit which reinvigorates and revitalizes any long term romantic relationship. Life partners and married couples need infusions of newness in their relationships.
Your going to some services which are DIFFERENT than what you would NORMALLY do is YOUR practicing that Revived Relationship best practice.
Happy Dating and Relationships!
April Braswell
I’d prefer to meet a date down at the pub!!!