Happy Good Friday to all who celebrate such an occasion.
A number of Christian denominations do SOMETHING to observe the day even if they are not particularly liturgical like the Catholics, Episcopalians, Anglicans, and Lutherans are.
There are typically a LUNCHTIME and EVENING service to observe Good Friday.
Now, my Dating advise here for singles is to leverage your time best and to go to the EVENING service because you will have more time AFTER the service to connect with people and have conversations. Additionally, with most Christian services, there is usually SOME group who is either going to go out afterwards for a bite to eat, or who when you suggest it are open to that possibility.
So when you attend the service, go equipped with a coffee shop or simple eatz restaurant where you could go grab a bite to eat post-service inexpensively. These are frugal times, so knowing that will always serve you in good sted.
What about that Passover Seder meal? Did you find one to attend? More on that tomorrow.
Happy Easter Holidays!
(it’s not exactly correct to say Happy Good Friday, but you understand my communication intent!)
Happy Dating and Relationships,
April Braswell
Dating Expert and Online Dating Coach
Happy Easter Holidays April! 🙂
I’m heading out to buy easter eggs! Yum.
JJ Jalopy
Have a great Easter April. “Happu\y” Good Friday is a little like Happy Memorial Day… James Taylor concert last memorial day, he started with Happy Memorial Day then changed it to Have a Reflective Memorial Day!
Seize the Day,
Happy Easter to you. On our way to service shortly.
Happy Easter April! Loving your tips as usual.
All the best,
Thanks April,
Happy Easter to you.
Bob Kaufer
Happy Easter Weekend. Nothing wrong with a “Happy” Good Friday. Yes there was a sacrifice, but it was all good. Without the crucifixion there would be no resurrection and therefore no salvation.
Potential partners are all around you and there is no better place to increase your odds for a good match than to look at the people doing the same things you are.
Maybe i should be going to church. God has absolutly blessed me to be a part of this group. I guess i should tell him thanks. April, your insight and advise has been spot on. Thanks for all you do. Happy Easter!
Don Shepherd
Happy Good Friday to you too! Hope your day has been splendid, and that all is going well there in Vegas.
Health, Fitness, Success — Darryl Pace
Thank you April for your easter dating advice!!
And Happy Good Friday and easter to you too!
Don’t eat too many eggs :-p
Thanks, April!
You have a Great Easter. And as always great advice.
Lynn Lane
Have a joyous and blessed Easter! We always look forward to pausing in the hecticness of life to attend Good Friday services. It puts it all in perspective.
my God, i thought you were going to chip in with some decisive insght at the end there, not leave it with
Hi Larry,
Thank you for stopping by and reading my dating blog. It looks like whatever you were starting to say got cut off in your typing. WHat was your question?
Best regards,
Happy Easter to you. What about other holidays? What do you think?
It’s getting to be that time of year again. Easter and Good Friday are just next week, right April?