So, we have been doing some self-assessment of WHO we are for branding ourselves online in our internet dating profile. When single boomers want to date and launch themselves online. You want to convey some of your unique physicality, personality AND anything which is uniquely YOU YOU YOU in a good way.
So, back to moi. Using myself as the example to protect client confidentiality.
You may have noticed a few THEMES in my personality. I’m a LIVELY personality.
Some words we might use to describe that:
- dynamic
- effervescent
- vivacious
- out – going
- energetic
- etc.
Effervescent and Vivacious sort of stood out for me.
Blonde. My blondeness is seriously part of my brand. I COULD use this attribute in my brand words as well as my age. However, why waste space? Both my BLONDENESS and MY AGE will be IMMEDIATELY apparent in 99.8% of most online dating sites and singles apps. My digital photographs will vividly display my BLONDENESS. And my age is right there all to see. So, no direct need to say it in my brand words.
I am eventually aiming for THREE WORDS.
THREE WORDS is what the brain can remember.
THREE WORDS and the brain is a little mesmerized.
MORE than THREE WORDS and you lost them. A confused mind does nothing. Focus them on YOU. Captivate them with YOU. And get them to take action… send you an introductory email!
The other aspect of myself. 7 Sisters educated. Smith College. NY Met Opera – worked and attended. I love the symphony. LOVE The Ballet. Grew up with a LOT of NY serious high arts culture. Preppie.
What’re some words that come to mind to convey that?
OK. So you hate me already. Me, too. And hey, I want to convey that I am a LADY.
Classy… yeah, classy. However, if you have to SAY it, you’re not.
…. hmmmm.
Some uniqueness.
OK, the buxom blonde thing. (You’ve been thinking it in the back of your head but you have, thank you, been too polite to say anything about it.) I need some words to counterbalance the FUN GOOD TIMES FUN LOVIN’ Buxom Blonde Vibe.
What else am I that in on my unique side? and which I better forewarn them about in a manner.
OK. I am a SERIOUS bibliovore. I read a LOT. The intellectual side of me. The well-educated side. The entrepreneurial side and street smart side. I ALSO don’t watch much TV. (It is a lovely sculpture in the living room, I just use it about once a week on my own. Ahhhh, except during Stanley Cup. But to mention STANLEY CUP in my BRAND is too seasonal. And while a HOCKEY FAN, it is actually a tertiary attribute of me.)
I want to pick three words which BRAND ME, convey ME and ME as MY Wife Material. So, I want to stress a little seriousness not blonde buxom good time girl image.
Vivacious. Refined. Reader.
Those are my three words and THAT is my brand.
OK. Now, that said, YOUR BRAND then is your jumping off point for creating YOUR ONLINE DATING PROFILE. THAT I will show you HOW to DO well over the next few days.
While MY example WAS for a woman, you can do the same work for a single MAN’s profile.
He wants to convey fun (not BORING, ahhhhhhhhh!) HUSBAND MATERIAL. Not PLAYER PLAYBOY NSA Guy nor Bad Boy (those are OTHER profiles. Perfectly fine. Different website or Internet Dating Profile section.) Know what you are. Be that. Husband Material is not boring, but not a Bad Boy.
Happy Dating and Relationships,
April Braswell
Hi April,
That was a very very cool lesson on branding and just after I was reading an email from Eben Pagen! With that principle in mind Im off to re look at my personal brand
I hadn’t considered personal branding before.
Very Interesting.
April – Great job branding yourself. I must figure out the three words for my brand. Feels like writing my obituary though.
Christian Haller
Great conveyance of info.
Bob Kaufer
Very interesting exercise. And by using three words with multiple syllables you weed out the bottom feeders…
Seize the Day,
three words huh? ME Want Woman. short and to the point. OK OK, i’ll put more effort into it.
Don Shepherd
Central Oregon Camphiker
Appropriate Personal Branding is crucial.
Recently, Fred Gleeck talked about it in his newsletter.
John Ho
Brilliant insights into a dating expert’s method to create a unique personal brand for online dating. Very interesting exercise.
All the best,
It was me, it was me! I called you vivacious! Well, I’m sure I wasn’t the only one come to think of it! Great article on branding yourself. I love how you countered the vivacious buxom blonde with the “biblivore!” I never even heard that word – did you make that up! Everyone loves April!
Lisa McLellan, Babysitting Services – Babysitters, Nannies, and Au-pairs
Biblivore! Yes, that’s the ticket. Three words? That seems so limiting.
Hi Lisa,
you are so cute.
Bibliovore: yes I made it up. Fitting isn’t it? I DEVOUR books. yum!
the brain can only handle THREE ATTRIBUTES.
choose wisely
or you overwhelm and confuse them >>> no action 🙁
April – once again you’ve proven why you are the dating and relationship coach extraordinaire. What a great concept – to brand oneself in only 3 words. A challenging, yet effective, exercise.
Personal branding is a very cool and unique idea. Using 3 words to convey our brand will cause us to focus and really put our minds on coming up with the most appropriate words. By suggesting ideas like these, you are offering great value to your clients, April.
Health, Fitness — Darryl Pace
Adoring Rich Nyphomaniac works best for most men…
Seize the Day,
Very fascinating posts….reveal a lot about us, don’t they…I LOVE Rob’s….
mine? overworked, overeating, underloved!
Good ideas for dating now that I’m older. The really young women are beautiful but they’re annoying. Too much work. Gimme a 40 year old woman any day.
What a great branding message.
Steve Chambers,
Hey April.
I’ve been missing you from my RSS reader.
So yeah, I suck.
I’ve been missing out on your awesome wisdom.
This is a great branding message. You’re a true expert!
JJ Jalopy.
Cool how you pull all of that together to make a brand presentation for the dating site. Do it right and you definitely have a better chance of finding the date you enjoy being with.