OK, so the fatigue of traveling all day for my late father’s memorial service has TOTALLY kicked in.
It’s been really great to actually get to see all of my family.
Well, that will be true tomorrow once my beautiful cousin Barbara joins us. Did I mention she is a former model AND has an MBA? Yup, brains AND beauty. Runs in the family! lol!
My sister is contemplating moving down here soon and has informed Barbara that, “April, the dating coach, will help BOTH of us get more dates once I am down here.”
And she’s right!
Why? Because I am passionate about creating great, wonderful, rewarding and fulfilling romantic relationships for myself, my loved ones, and my clients who all become like close friends to me. Because I care about their having great relationships.
Of course, to START and to get INTO a GREAT RELATIONSHIP you do actually need to GO ON DATES and preferably MORE DATES.
I hear so many people initially say, “Oh, I want to be in a relationship!” Like The Secret and wanting it to be SO is enough. But indeed, while I’ve heard this from a number of people, I most recently heard it from Kevin Hogan, the concept of The Law of Attraction. We certainly need to have a desire for something, an intention.
HOWEVER, we MUST add ACTION to that intention to bring it about.
And DATING is The ACTION attached to the DESIRE for a relationship.
I’ll be sure to post some advise in the future to help you ENJOY THE PROCESS of DATING, as well!
Happy Dating and Relationships,
April Braswell
Hi April that must have been very hard and painful to lose your father. Good to have family support relationships
Sympathies for your loss. Did he pass peacefully?