Boomer Dating Tips Boom or Bust Monday Morning Meet More People Secrets
The baby boomers are still a significant portion of the population of the United States after World War II. They will soon decrease the GenX and GenY populations move into young adulthood in 2010. By the end of 2010 the baby boomer population demographic will be small than its GenX and GenY population. Now in 2019, it’s the GenX and GenY Millennials and their siblings who are over 35, and in their 40s and 50s or fast approaching.
So if you are craving a group of singles who is around your age…
Monday Morning Meet More People Secret for Midlife and Senior Singles: Hang out at McDonald’s!
McDonald’s has so many venues, both in chic yuppie locations like the various cities metropolitan financial districts, as well as brand new glossy locations with indoor play areas for kids. The play area for kids draws both grandparents, some of who are single and dating again after divorce or the death of a spouse, or simply single parents.
Are you looking to meet more baby boomer aged people, men and women? Single or whatever? Many of the midlife crowd meets and congregates en route to/from their home over at McDonald’s simply just to socialize. McDonald’s prices is part of the appeal. They do offer a Senior Coffee priced coffee. Plus Boomers with grandchildren can easily bring along the grand children in tow all for a reasonable price. The morning times, even early morning at McDonald’s is excellent. The over 55 years old crowd definitely congregates there more after 9 am. Plan to buy a cup of coffee and bring something to read and sit by the tables where people can interact and talk with you. What you bring to read with you can be your prop and conversation starting accessory. Help the others out by having things with you which help them to talk with you. Books with large photos on the front cover. A book with a large smiling face. And of course, keep your body language open and turned towards others to help them to talk with you.
Happy Dating and Relationships!
April Braswell
It is the first of the week, it is brand new time to get out there and get noticed. Put a new face on. Do you like the pep talk? I love mondays.
Never thought of going to the McD to meet people, but sure there must be folks there for their morning feed. Good idea!
Great idea to meet people at McDonald’s
Tim Van Milligan, helping you Make Money Online, God’s Way!
We all want to find love, loyalty and happiness with someone we can share our life with and trust. In addition to McDonald’s and other fast food joints we can find love, or a substitute for love online.
I find it interesting that, according to, the Monday following Mother’s Day is the 2nd most popular day for Women to sign up to cheat on their spouses. Sad news for those who thought they had found love but ended up sorely disappointed.
Steve Chambers
Body Language Expert
Oh honey, have you seen the people who hang out at McDonalds? One reason why I won’t go there, #2 reason, the food is horrible, but the fries and coffee are good. I’ll give ya that!
Hi April you are amazing!! With this post your helping people save money while meeting someone new. This is also consistent with your advice of going to new places.
David Escalante
Roofing Company San Francisco & Marin
wow to what steve said about ashley madison… that entire site still blows me away. This was a great post though. I had never really considered fast food resturaunts before, but this seems like a great idea!
Mike Casey
And you can select the type of person you want to attract by the book you are carrying–
consider the difference if you are carrying
1) Sarah Palin’s book or Ron Paul’s End the Fed vs
2) How To Apply For Food Stamps in Multiple States at the same time…
Seize the Day,
McDonalds???? Wow, you learn something new everyday! Well, I’m certainly glad that I’m not a baby boomer looking to meet someone, because I’ve trained myself to get sick everytime I even think about McDonalds so that I won’t eat their food. It sure does taste good going down, but that’s where the “goodness” ends! Great idea for those who enjoy it.
Lisa McLellan
Babysitting Services, Nanny Services, and Nanny agencies
Hi April………you have given me one more reason to be at the McDonalds on Monday, thanks for sharing your dating thoughts.
This guy is really lucky to have those relationships in his life, April !
McD’s for breakfast…..mmm….let’s not & say we did 🙂
Actually you make a good point because for people who enjoy coffee
that would be a good place to try.
The Success Secrets
I stop by the McDonalds on the way to work a couple times a month, and there are always boomer aged men walking in and out. I haven’t seen many women (so go, ladies!), but I also breeze through the drive-thru, so who knows who is inside.
I have been sharing your tips with friends and family, not only to meet romantic interests, but also to just meet people in general. Thanks for the great advice!
Good journey and experience dating suggestions, April, thanks for making my Monday morning
Hi Sally,
thank you for stopping by my dating and relationship blog and commenting. I appreciate you and your comment posts.
I don’t think I’d ever thought of checking out fast food places for meeting people, April, but you’re right. I always see a ton of people there, especially the over 50 year old crowd. Great dating tip
I guess that really is tough to do, April
I had a dream to start dating again. However I did not know how to do it. Thank God my close friend told to try online dating. to make real my dream.
Indeed for baby boomers the fast food places on a Monday morning seem to be a great dating tip idea. And what will you wear? Not something shapeless and drab. How about a white dress suitable for the people the prom, or cotillian? an ideal fit for the fem shape is the Puff Sleeve design. I find it makes a cute little white dress and flatters the woman element. The white dress can do for thick or partial arm round the girl as it expresses the more lovely bubble Sleeve so you do not worry. While it features a Large cross-chest design effective modification of face, it still manages to extend to the waist line on the bow ribbpms. This white dress looks perfect whole, the typical strengths and avoid weaknesses of the dress.
The coffee at Mickey Ds is the best it is true