Join Sports Groups: Keep Your Eye on the Ball While You Check Out the Guy or Get the Gal
Whether or not you are one of the many singles living in the Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego and surrounding SoCal counties or you’re single and living outside of Southern California, when you’re looking for lasting love, do remember to Keep Your Eye on the Ball.
Of course, during Stanley Cup season, that translates to, Keep Your Eye on the Puck!
One of the many places where singles are casually and comfortably meeting, mingling, and flirting is through participating in a Singles Sports League or Singles Athletic Activity Group of some kind. Whether you are Single and Baptist and play a casual game of Volleyball at the local Baptist High School’s gymnasium on a Friday night once a month or an LDS Christian Single mid-singles adult and join the casual gathering for a last Friday of the month pick-up (who shows up, not PUA terms, thank you) basketball or volleyball game. If you’re single, do keep in mind that playing sports informally is still a great leisure past-time that keeps you fit and healthy and just might lead to lasting love.
Your fellow singles who are interested in fitness, becoming more fit, or simply want to embrace leading an active lifestyle are more likely to be playing a sports game in a Singles Athletic Activities Group than they are to be home couch potatoing on the sofa in the living room!
Whatever metropolitan area that you live in, do look around online and ask your vanpool buds about what are some of the fun singles inter-mural sports groups you could participate in. It could be a coed league playing softball in the Spring and segue to Soccer (aka Football in the EU), Flag Football, Basketball, Skiing, Tennis, Volleyball. The more that the sport is a team sports option, the better opportunity it offers you to pursue an athletic endeavor as an amateur, enjoy a little competitive spirit while informally meeting other singles and naturally interacting with them.
The very pursuit of the sport gives you the reason for interaction without it feeling like a high pressure meat market.
Plus the playing and shared interest of the athletic endeavors provides you with plenty of safe small talk, break the ice, conversation starters and reasons to continue conversing together, all in a low pressure social situation.
Some of the Singles Sports leagues require membership dues. Typically the groups membership fees are pretty reasonable and goes towards paying for referees, lines men, and sports space rentals.
Many of the singles social sports groups will then meet up after the playing of the games to go grab a casual bite to eat together at a local coffee shop or pizza restaurant.
Some of the groups are offshoots of your corporate employers employees playing other employees of another company or industry. Those teams are typically mixed of both married folks and singles and can often foster a very comfortable environment for singles just re-entering the dating social sphere looking to date again after divorce in very low-pressure ways and just practice playful flirting. You can always simply flirt with others who are at the post-game pizza joint without worrying that you will ever see them again. It’s all in good clean fun!
Be sure to attend and bring a friend and make some new ones!
Happy Dating and Relationships!
April Braswell
OC’s Dating Relationship Expert
As seen in “In Touch Weekly” and in Dating for Dummies, 3rd Edition
April Braswell is a Professional Speaker who speaks to singles in Singles Groups and Divorce Recovery Groups as well as at Singles Dating Workshops and Singles Conferences. Hire April to speak at your Singles Event?
Love, love, love this one. Getting exercise while dating is a great idea. You can learn a lot about someone while they are playing a sport.
Yours In Health!
Dr. Wendy
Discover The Power Of The Russian Kettlebell
Hi April, So many ways to connect!
You give so many great ideas!
29% of Caregivers between 45 & 65 are single, divorced or widowed.
Looking forward to tomorrow!
Sports is definitely a great way to pull single people together.
Mark Hogan
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One way of dating I used before marrying, was asking friends for references. Since they know my character they will find a good match. Of course the examples you provide are useful to be more proactive.
Memorias USB Peru
Love dating? Love exercise? Love sport? What a great idea to put them together. You just might find lasting love.
Kind regards
Great suggestion April, not just for (yet another) way of meeting other like-minded people, but also as a way of low-pressure socialisation and fitness. Cool.
EcoFriendlyMatters @ EcoFriendlyLink
Are you a professional speaker? You can green your business!
More Awesome Idea’s from the Dating Expert! Will you ever run out? LOL I hope not. Thanks!
great tip to use sports events to meet people. At least in this case they will be fit and pro health oriented.
While i am not very athletic, I have found that just going to events and cheering on the participants is a good way to meet folks. Love all your ideas for singles, April.
Sonya Lenzo
This is a great suggestion. Dancing is my sport of choice! I often tell my girlfriends that if they’d just go do the things they enjoy they’ll meet people to potentially date.
Sabrina Peterson, NASM CPT, CES
Excellent guidance … go to where you go instead of artificially creating illusions of interest in non-interest areas for singles.
May the Force be with You.
Great date idea! I’ve never heard anyone recommend play a sport to meet other singles. You really are the Dating Expert!
Yet another terrific idea from Southern California’s Dating Scene Coach! I think it is great how you are such a big sports fan…especially of hockey. 🙂
Yours In Health!
G.E. Moon II
Discover The 7 Steps To Amazing Health
There is also national groups for people with a wide variety of sports and other interests
Next time Barça is playing I will go out to see it with friends!
I always stay home 🙁 Great idea!
he feels the same way he just don’t know if he can handle the fact that if we were to marry n have chdlerin than his cousins would be half cousin half sister or brother to our chdlerin but god brought us together for a reason and we wouldn’t feel like this if it wasn’t ment to be, thats my thoughts on it . Am I wrong ??? please help so confused