Help others to break the ice and talk with you by wearing a conversation starting accessory…
I love to tease and play with singles to “Be Easy.” lol. Of course, what I mean as an internationally recognized Dating and Relationship Expert is to be easy to start a conversation with and easy to talk to. When you are standing in line to grab your half-caf cappuccino in the morning, your amazing luncheon deli sandwich, or to grab a dinner nibblette at the gourmet take away food court, you wore something that makes it easy for the other attractive and available singles to start a short conversation with you? Right?
Because it really is true. You never know when and where you are going to meet Ms. or Mr. Right for You. So, making it a daily practice habit both to look good at all times as well as to be approachable in all of your body language signals, the better for you.
Ice Breaking Conversation Starters DOs:

1. Do wear a Baseball Cap honoring your favorite sports team: whether local or across the country or across the world. While I say “baseball cap” your cap can honor the team of any sport – football, hockey, basketball, lacrosse, bowling. Often it is most engaging when you wear the emblem and colors of a sport which is not super popular where you are or where the team is based 1500 miles away. You stand out by wearing this item. You do stand out, however, in a safe and intriguing manner. You are not being weird, just you are expressing part of what makes you uniquely fascinating. This makes it easy for other attractive and available singles to start a conversation with you. You’re not wearing the cap of an opposing team which might not help a pleasant exchange.
2. Do wear a T-Shirt, Fleece, or Sweatshirt of a team during that sport’s annual playoffs. When it is March Madness, 87% of the United States is focused on all things college basketball. Go ahead and wear anything of theirs. And complete strangers at the airport will feel free, safe, and comfortable to initiate basketball related conversations with you. During the NHL Stanley Cup playoffs, you sport any item related to hockey, and a North American fan from the United States or Canada will simply start conversing with you like you are their buddy.
3. Do wear an interesting accessory. Wearing an unusual lapel pin or broach provides a complete stranger with an easy way to compliment you at the drop of a hat and it gives them something to utter safely as their first sentence.
The whole thing about conversations with a stranger is you two just need something safe to get started.
You don’t need to worry about how you two will carry on a whole 15 minute conversation exchange. Typically what is most challenging and vexing is the first 3 sentences.
Both single men and single women vex their brains wondering, “What on earth will I say?” It is the first few words out of your mouth that are the most challenging.
How do you know that the topic you select out of the 7.3 million possible topics in the universe will jive with this person’s interests? Easy. Look at what they are wearing and comment and compliment them from there.
“What an unusual and attractive pin you’re wearing. Wherever did you get that? I bet there’s a fascinating story behind it. What is it’s story?” First of all, everyone loves receiving a compliment whether they are single and available or not. If they are single, available, and interested in a conversation with you, you just opened the door and made it easy for them to speak with you.
They can tell you the story. If they are not interested or just rushed for time, they might give you the Cliff Notes version of the story and simply smile and say “Thank you” to you. There was no overt rejection, so everyone’s ego is still safely preserved. You both just smile and go on with your days.
Keep on flirting and smiling wherever you go.
Ice Breaking Conversation Starters DON’Ts
4. Avoid Polar Political Topics
5. Avoid Religious Topics
6. Avoid Anything Extreme
Do not wear your Pro-Life, PETA, or Pro-Choice buttons on your cute or dashing denim jacket. These sort of topics are so micro-niched that you will appear off-putting to the majority of other attractive and available singles. It makes conversation starting a challenge when you are at the same time throwing down a political gauntlet. Just look at the situation at Facebook in the past few years. Otherwise kind and reasonable people have taken great offense over friends – gasp – holding a different political view from yourself. Don’t lead with it when your intent is to be easy to talk with.
Whether Christian, Muslim, or Jewish fundamentalism, whatever your spiritual practice, it is best to skirt the extreme sector so you can actually have a conversational exchange.

Now, of course, if you are attending the Southern Baptist Convention or Episcopal Church General Convention, a special event related to a local church, 1 day, or conference your wearing a necklace cross is moderate in the context where you are. Wearing a small mainstream religious emblem like a cross, not Christus Rex style mind you, or Star of David, can denote your religion without making to massive a statement. I’m not trying to tell you to leave your religion at the door. Just don’t lead with a big t-shirt emblazoned statement. Teens wear those. Adults looking for a relationship and God’s intended for them may wear a Christian t-shirt, but make the logo small. A small quote from scripture can be in good taste. Keep scale in mind.
When you keep these Conversation Starter DOs and DON’Ts in mind wherever you go, you increase your charisma and attractiveness to others by being easy to talk with. The idea is to help out those who are interested in breaking the ice with you and making conversation with you. Once the conversation flows, it is an easy segue to exchange phone numbers and ask for a first date.
Happy Dating and Relationships,
April Braswell
Be Easy! Clever twist of meaning there April!
A smile or pleasant expression is also helpful. That body language thing again!
Peggy Larson
So, April, when I wear my home team’s cap, that really helps me to talk with hot single women like you? I will have to try this out this weekend during baseball season. – Peter
These dating and convo starting tips are helpful, thanks for sharing Ms. Braswell =) You really help single guys like me. – AS
So, April, these sound so helpful for getting to talk to beautiful women. You’re the best – Mr. Matt Man
Hi, April,
This is super advice. These are great suggestions on how to be more approachable and start conversations — good for anyone seeking friendships to use. Keep up the good work!
Darryl Pace
Hi April, your dating tips blog is great. I thought dating is as easy as 1,2,3 but when I read your blog, it may me realize that are still rules that in a way you need to follow to have a wonderful dating wonder I always get dumped.haha – Ingred
What great dating tips for singles on how to dress to impress there April! It’s been a while since my last comment. Thanks so much. You’re teh best lady!
As a recongnized dating expert what do you think of my tactic: Before you wear ANYTHING, think about the type of woman you’re looking for. I’m for example very much into latinas, so by wearing shirts/sweaters etc. with Spanish texts, heroes, sports teams and so on? I naturally attract more latinas because more latinas start conversations with me…
So think about the type of woman (or man btw) you’re into and what would catch her/his attention. Dress to grab that interest and you’re good to go! What do you think, April? I’ll email you my question so you can help me. Thanks.
To More Dating Success,
Dennis Miedema
This is super advice especially the one about wearing a baseball cap.
I normally never wear a baseball cap but last week I wore one with the logo
of a rock group I used to work with. It was amazing how many people I noticed looking at the logo & how many people asked me what the logo meant.
So, there you go!
The Success Secrets
I like that the idea of how you dress and the dresses you wear can help make it easier to talk with cute guys at Starbucks. I love their chai tea lattes.
Does it matter how you wear your hair when you’re out about flirting or just on your first date?
David De’Angelo (Evan) might learn a few things from you.
Hi April!
I never thougth of the importance of the mesages of the caps, t-shirts or accessories that we wear…Your post made me think about it! Thanks!
I’m always getting comments on my baseball cap.
Hi April,
What an excellent way to get the conversation going.
The one thing you need to attract women is confidence.
It’s what many people like myself call “self assuredness.” It’s confidence that is over the top. That’s it. That is how to attract a woman, I think. What are your thoughts, April?
Thank you for the posting, it was most informative. Your tips are right on the money and helpful to anyone interested in learning a few singles dating basics on attraction from you April
Super-Duper site! I am loving your mesmerizing tips! Will come back again – taking you feeds also, Thanks.