Single? Say YES to Holiday Party Invitations

My partner and I were just investing our precious weekend time in reaching out and blessing others in the community with the overflow of our love by volunteering and giving some hands on time to Mitzvah Meals, a community-based Social Outreach activity of Temple Beth Sholom in Santa Ana.  The Mitzvah Meals program has temporarily moved its headquarters and cooking venue to gracious host, Parties by Panache, and their catering kitchen in Brea, CA.  While hands were busy de-veining and chopping up loads of fresh veggies for the special meals being prepped, all the volunteers chit chatted and kibitz together. 1 of the people there has a late 20s single adult child who is looking for love in SoCal.

Now mind you, many faith focused singles especially in their late 20s and into their 30s are already quite active in their approach to finding love.  They are not just leaving it to chance with an attitude of “if it’s meant to be it will just happen.” They are proactively getting out there. You don’t just leave your job life and career to chance, right? Nor should you do so with your love life!

Here’s some timely seasonal help.

As we enter the week of Thanksgiving with Christmas and Hannukah just around the corner, it’s time to be proactive with the seasonal activities which are already happening.  You can step into the flow of the already existing holiday events stream rather than having to create things 100% from scratch for yourself.

Do Say YES to all Holiday Party Invitations!

Yes, some of your buds will likely host some kind of Holiday Party soiree.  Do aim to say YES to all of those, or as many as you can manage to fit into your social dance card schedule.  The challenge?  A lot of the holiday parties you will be invited to will overlap.  You are bound to find that you’re receiving invitations for the 1st and 2nd Sundays in December.  Manage what you can.  Also do think strategically.  Don’t just think in terms of there being the most Christian and Jewish singles sharing your faith and opposite gender requirements.  Think in terms of expanding your social circle.  Some of your “other” faith friends might have friends or connections into your faith community who are based a little outside of your geographic area.

Who is hosting holiday parties you can attend?

I’ll be sharing a variety of holiday party hosts in the next week or so.  So, do check back here frequently to get the create juices flowing for ideas for filling your social dance card and getting out this holiday season.  If you are sitting home alone on your couch and watching the holiday tv specials on the weekend, then you are in the wrong place! Get up, spiff up, and get out!

Happy Dating and Relationships,

April Braswell

Internet Dating and Relationship Expert

As seen in Dating for Dummies, 3rd Edition

April Braswell is an expert columnist at and speaks to singles in Singles Groups and Divorce Support Groups as well as at Singles Dating Workshops and Singles Conferences.  Looking to Hire April to speak at your next Church Singles Event, Women’s Group or Business Association Meeting?

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April Braswell

April Braswell is internationally recognized as America's Midlife Dating and Relationship Mentor and the award winning expert columnist at Bringing over 40 years of Sales and Marketing expertise, April is a the trusted Small Business Consultant and Coach to Leading Executives and Emerging Leaders. Author of best seller, Get Swipe Right. April coaches marriage-minded men and women to find and attract love, your best life partner. Life Love Love relationship. Love after 40 and 50. Photos appear by licenses with iStock. All rights reserved.

Reader Interactions


  1. not true. I’m a not true. I’m a Christian, conservative Republican (listen to Beck, love Marco Rubio— the whole pkcaage) and I’m dating a Pakistani Muslim. He’s my best friend in the whole and I absolutely love him. Maybe you should ask yourself who’s really prejudging here Was this answer helpful?

  2. We just invited everyone of every faith to join us. I do not follow what you said. OMG, did he just ask you to MARRY HIM!!! congratulations! would LOVE to see the engagement ring he begged you to marry him with.



  1. I don’t get as many party invitations now that I’m in my forties. What’s up with that? Looking forward to hearing some ideas from you, April, for where I can go. Thx – C

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