Christian Dating Expert: OC Singles for Christ Single Group Meeting

Christian Single Adults Dating Expert: OC Singles for Christ Single Group Fellowship Apr 27

Christian Dating Expert Evangelical Christians OC Singles for Christ Singles Study Group Apr 27

The Orange County Christian Singles Group, OC Singles for Christ is having another one of their informal fellowship, worship, and study evenings ministering to local area Single Christians.  Yes, and tonight, April 27th, the dinner fellowship time is returning to a mix and selection of pizza for your main course choice accompanied by salad.  I know.  They are waving the red flag to get the attention of busy and harried Christian Singles who are so busy after work hours on a Friday night that often heading home and aiming to make your own dinner is simply too much to do…. So instead swing on by O.C. Singles for Christ on your busy Friday night and relax, nosh, fellowship and then enjoy an evening of worship, praise, and study time with your fellow Christian Singles.

This Friday meeting of the OC Singles for Christ Christian Single Adult Group they open with that casual pizza dinner.  Pizza and salad all for just 5 bucks.  Then everyone retires for a Christian Contemporary Music Worship time featuring special musical guest by way of South Africa, The Gary Rea Band.

Then the evening segues to a time of reflection and study.  The Christian Single Adult study group has been studying a DVD series from Evangelical Christian, Chip Ingram.

You might be noticing that I do repeatedly share the events of Christian Singles Groups and Ministries when I hear about them.  You might be thinking, “Hey, this is kind of redundant.  I’ve already hear about that Christian Singles Group before.  I went 1 time and didn’t meet anyone I was interested in dating.”  Well, I’m glad you brought this up.

Because as a Christian Dating Expert, what I’ve noticed, observed, and gleaned about what worked for now-married Christian Couples back when they were Christian Singles attending Christian Singles Groups was what succeeded for them was to attend those Singles Ministry events repeatedly and consistently.

Why? You might be wondering.  Because by doing so, you really do become better acquainted not just with the surface appearance of your fellow Christian Singles.  You also become quite well-versed with their true heart and character.  None of us is perfect.  It’s just by that kind of repeated exposure, our true colors display and become quite winsome and attractive.

Additionally, you never know who might decided to travel from 2 counties over to visit an uncle, aunt, cousin, or friend from another church this weekend.  When you make a point to attend consistently on a regular basis, you’ll just naturally, casually, and comfortably be meeting them all over a regular interval of time.

And that is a wonderful way to become truly better acquainted and not just hormonally driven for courtship and mate attraction, not exclusively hormonal and chemistry attracting.  Both are necessary as the foundation for lasting love, one of the attributes of Christian marriage.

Christian Singles Event Details:

OC Singles for Christ Friday Night Social and Study

When:  Friday April 27th, 2012

Dinner starts at 6:15 pm as is only $5.00

Contemporary Christian Music Worship Time is at 7:30 pm with The Gary Rea Band.

Topical Study on the Chip Ingram DVD  to follow the Worship Time.

Where:  10350 Ellis Avenue
Fountain Valley, CA 92708

(Look for the giant OC Singles for Christ banner to confirm you’re in the right location!)

Be sure to attend and bring a friend and make some new ones!

Happy Dating and Relationships!

April Braswell

As seen in “In Touch Weekly” and in Dating for Dummies, 3rd Edition

April Braswell is a Professional Speaker who speaks to singles in Singles Groups and Divorce Recovery Groups as well as at Singles Dating Workshops and Singles ConferencesHire April to speak at your Singles Event?

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April Braswell

April Braswell is internationally recognized as America's Midlife Dating and Relationship Mentor and the award winning expert columnist at Bringing over 40 years of Sales and Marketing expertise, April is a the trusted Small Business Consultant and Coach to Leading Executives and Emerging Leaders. Author of best seller, Get Swipe Right. April coaches marriage-minded men and women to find and attract love, your best life partner. Life Love Love relationship. Love after 40 and 50. Photos appear by licenses with iStock. All rights reserved.

Reader Interactions


  1. April,
    How young Christian singles really meet today? It is not in the Church, it is not in the pub or discoteque, it should be in school, college or university. But how to expand that environment?
    Lapices Chile

  2. April,
    One more question, what do you recommend to young christians to find their true love early or with more maturity to avoid hormonal and chemistry attraction?
    Thanks again, Octavio
    Boligrafos Cross

  3. Good point about not just going once and then expecting to magically find someone without further effort. When I was in my 20’s I used to be part of a writer’s group. After becoming a regular I soon had some of the older ladies trying to set me up on dates with their daughters or their nieces.

    Thorne Smith movies

  4. HI April!
    Yes, great advice about attending more than once the event and become with time a known person in the enviroment you want to integrate with. I think this is not only important in a Christian Singles event but at any event.
    Beautiful song too. Thanks for sharing!

  5. There seem to be a lot of events for singles in the LA area. I’m sure your readers appreciate you passing along this information about opportunities to meet other like minded singles.

    Sabrina Peterson, NASM CPT, CES

  6. Hey April,

    Timely advice as usual. It’s probably unfair to think one could suddenly meet someone, instantly hit it off, and head off into the sunset. To give each other a break, let up on the pressure, get to know one another..makes sense to me. Well done.

    Be Well.

  7. One try isn’t enough… not only that but you might need a consultation with The Dating Expert (you!) before you go out ever again!!! Or, simply spy on this blog!

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