After 40 LA Christian Singles Dinner Dance Event Sat

Over 40 LA Singles Scene: LDS Christian Single Dinner & Dance Event

In Los Angeles of the Southern California singles scene for the After 40 singles can be quite challenging if not really daunting in the face of things.  For a single in their 30s, it can seem like there are a plethora of events, locations, and venues for available and looking thirty-somethings singles.  The singles pick up and Singles Bar or Dance Club Scene really is C’est Va Sans Dire geared for those singles in the 20, 30s, and really only sort of into your early 40s.

In the movie, “Knocked Up,” the attractive women dolled up for the dance club scene were told by the bouncer doorman in words as kind as possible that they were too old for the scene there.  You really want to kick them in the shins at that point.  At the same time, the idea is to empower you in your social life, not to be the victim of someone else’s criteria.  It’s akin to being more interested in those who are attracted to and love us, not those for whom we hold no interest.

Dances, dancing, LA Christian Singles, LA Christian Singles Dating, LA Singles, LA Singles Dance, LA Singles Social Scene, LDS Christian Singles, LDS Christians, LDS Singles Dance, Los Angeles Christian Singles, Los Angeles Christian Singles Dating, Los Angeles Singles, Los Angeles Singles Dance, Los Angles Singles Social Scene, relationship skills, Santa Monica LDS Christian Singles Dance, Santa Monica Singles, Santa Monica Singles Dance., Santa Monica Singles Social Scene, Singles Dances, Southern California Singles, Southern California Singles Social Scene,
LA Singles Dancing Couple

What does that mean for you?  What that means for you then is to keep an eye out for, put into your schedule, and do actually attend a variety of events which are specifically targeted for the singles who are over 30 years old, after 40s singles, as well as some of the items for Over Fifty singles.  What you must keep in mind is that when you’re 28 years old and single, there will be many many other singles there at the event as well as you.  When you’re a over forty years old single or around that age, there may be only a few other singles there in your demographic.  However, when what you’re looking for is a serious life partner relationship, that is all that is necessary, isn’t it?  You don’t need to have 57 other singles in your demographic to flirt with, do you?  Well, it is fun, yes.  However, really only 1, 2, or 3 others is all that’s needed.  Because the ones who are there are already fairly well self-selecting as being better qualified singles who are more Relationship Ready than the 57 singles at a dance club in your 20s and 30s.

Southern California Mid-Singles Dinner Dance Event

Singles Event Theme:  WORLDS WITHOUT ENDS Mid-Singles (27-50) Dinner & Dance
That WORLDS WITHOUT ENDS theme means there is an option to dress up in a costume or at least to dress up and wear a costume accessory.  Extraterrestrial (ET) wear.  No Masks, please.

Target Singles Age Group:  Targeted for singles from 27 years old – 50 years old. (The age frame is not super tightly enforced.  If you are a single a year or two on either side, you are generally welcome to attend such LDS Singles events.  Please do be fully truly Single, as in not still married, as in Separated or still in the midst of your divorce.)

Southern California Mid-Singles Dinner Dance Event Pertinent Details:


When:  Saturday, April 21, 2012
The dinner starts at 6:30 PM, the whole singles event is from 6:30 PM – 11:30 PM

Dinner: 6:30 PM
Costume Contest: 7:30 PM
Singles Dance Event:  8:00 PM

Where:  Yucaipa State Center (LDS Christians terminology for their local church location)
12776-6th Street, Yucaipa, CA

Be sure to attend and bring a friend and make some new ones!

Happy Dating and Relationships!

April Braswell

As seen in “In Touch Weekly” and in Dating for Dummies, 3rd Edition

April Braswell is a Professional Speaker who speaks to singles in Singles Groups and Divorce Recovery Groups as well as at Singles Dating Workshops and Singles ConferencesHire April to speak at your Singles Event?

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April Braswell

April Braswell is internationally recognized as America's Midlife Dating and Relationship Mentor and the award winning expert columnist at Bringing over 40 years of Sales and Marketing expertise, April is a the trusted Small Business Consultant and Coach to Leading Executives and Emerging Leaders. Author of best seller, Get Swipe Right. April coaches marriage-minded men and women to find and attract love, your best life partner. Life Love Love relationship. Love after 40 and 50. Photos appear by licenses with iStock. All rights reserved.

Reader Interactions


  1. The idea is to empower you!
    I love it! You empower everyone who reads this blog, April!
    Looking forward to tomorrow!

  2. I’m sure that it was amusing in the film but it must hurt like fire when it happens in real life. Thank you for being there to offer advice and alternatives.
    Be Well.

  3. April,
    it would be a good idea to have a virtual party. This way you can have dancing partners from different states. I am far into the future, but you never know,,,

  4. Times truley have changed – there was a time not too long ago the you couldn’t find the words “christian” and “dance” in the same zip code!

  5. You make a great point about the selective quality those over 40 possess when seeking a serious long term relationship. I think we all get more selective (smarter?) as we learn from previous experiences. Or at least I hope we do 🙂


  6. It makes sense to attend events geared toward people in your age group. Many people are suprised to learn that many elderly, in their 70’s and 80’s, are dating also.


  7. I loved going to LDS church dances as a teenager and young adult. They were always fun but I don’t remember one ever having a theme. My daughter will be attending what she calls “Fake Mormon Prom” next weekend which is a dance for 16-18 year old girls and boys in the Seattle area.

    Sabrina Peterson, NASM CPT, CES

  8. Stopping by the singles event even just to say hello is a good idea.
    Have a great week.
    Be Well.

  9. You seem to find and share so many unique events for singles! How do you do it, April?

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