Christian Singles Activities in Fountain Valley OC Singles For Christ Friday April

Christian Singles Activities in Beach Cities Area: OC Singles For Christ Fri April

Happy to give other Christian Singles Groups equal coverage when I hear about their Singles Ministry and the Singles Activities they offer.  One of the Christian Single ladies who recently attended one of my Internet Dating Singles Classes is the one who shared with me the Beach Cities Area Christian Singles resource for Evangelical Christian Singles, OC Singles for Christ.

Single Christians Fellowing and Talking
Single Christians Fellowshiping and Talking

OC Singles for Christ is one of the wonderful rare finds in Christian churches these days during the economic downturn.  They are a true Christian Singles Ministry Group.  Many Christian churches have smaller budgets right now, and have cut back on having a dedicated Christian Singles Ministry or Group for Christian Single Adults.

So I was delighted to find OC Singles for Christ and to see that they have a distinct commitment to serving Christian Singles out of their Fountain Valley church location in the Beach Cities Area of Orange County, CA.

OC Singles for Christ sponsors groups attending such events of interest to modern Christians such as going to a Christian Rock Group’s local concert.

Additionally, they sponsor seasonal activities together such as a Christian Singles Weekend Ski Trip in the Wintertime.

They provide a good mix of activities both just for comfortable socializing, which is often where we can see each other’s true nature and character surface genuinely and displayed, as well as feel supported in finding a true life mate without feeling pressured while you are a single still searching and seeking.

Both attributes are a wonderful thing in a really quality Christian Singles Ministry, for the Christian Singles Group to strike a balance of supporting singles goals of indeed finding God’s choice for us without inflicting an uncomfortable or judging (you would be amazed at some of the stories Christian singles have shared with me that other church members have uttered to them about their not yet being married…) tone to their singles group and church culture.

Friday, April 13, 2012, OC for Christ is sponsoring an informal group dinner of salad, pizza, and soda for just $5.00.  So many singles are so busy with jobs during the week, the getting to share dinner together without having to do all of the shopping, prepping, and cooking for just one person really can be highly appealing.  The casual dinner is then followed by Worship time which is then immediately followed by a group study.  Right now they are in the third week of ten sessions total following Chip Ingram’s DVD Study.

Christian Singles Event Details:

OC Singles for Christ Friday Night Social and Study

When:  Friday April 13th, 2012

Dinner is at 6:15 pm.

Worship Time is at 7:30 pm

Topical Study to follow the Worship Time.

Where:  10350 Ellis Avenue
Fountain Valley, CA 92708

(Look for the giant OC Singles for Christ banner!)

Be sure to attend and bring a friend and make some new ones!

Happy Dating and Relationships!

April Braswell

As seen in “In Touch Weekly” and in Dating for Dummies, 3rd Edition

April Braswell is a Professional Speaker who speaks to singles in Singles Groups and Divorce Recovery Groups as well as at Singles Dating Workshops and Singles ConferencesHire April to speak at your Singles Event?




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April Braswell

April Braswell is internationally recognized as America's Midlife Dating and Relationship Mentor and the award winning expert columnist at Bringing over 40 years of Sales and Marketing expertise, April is a the trusted Small Business Consultant and Coach to Leading Executives and Emerging Leaders. Author of best seller, Get Swipe Right. April coaches marriage-minded men and women to find and attract love, your best life partner. Life Love Love relationship. Love after 40 and 50. Photos appear by licenses with iStock. All rights reserved.

Reader Interactions


  1. April, I wish I lived closer … YOur event – pizza, et al. for $5.00 – sounds great. All that and meeting Christian Singles … makes Friday the 13th a great day.


  2. I tend to agree with Lyle!

    The number 13 at one point in history was a lucky number.
    Oh for the superstitionalists!

    And $5 is a deal that cannot be refused!

    I hope you are enjoying the evening!

  3. Good advice as always. My understanding is that there are a few such organizations here at home and from what I’ve been told, people are very happy with their experiences.
    Here’s expecting a great night for your event!
    Be Well

  4. April,
    I can tell that you love what you do. You deeply care about your community. And the event is well organized. I like eating, so the $5 dinner is a real deal.

  5. Socializing with people who share your faith/beliefs and feeding them! I hope you all had fun.


  6. Hi April,
    So many connections & to bring a friend & meet new friends!
    Looking forward to tomorrow!

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