Christian Singles Dating Scene: Attend Easter Sunrise Service and Stay for Breakfast

Christian Singles Dating Scene: Go to the Easter Sunrise Early Morning Service Then Stay for Easter Brunch or Breakfast

If you’re a Christian Single this Easter, you may or may not be with or near your family over the Easter Holiday.  In fact, you might already have been feeling a bit cut off from all of your fellow Christians during Holy Week with all of the special church services this week.  Whether you are Non-Denominational, Evangelical, Liturgical or Catholic Christian, your church is likely hosting a number of church services to commemorate Holy Week and to celebrate Easter.

Christian Singles, Single Christians, celebrating Easter,
Easter Special Services

Christian Singles Dating Scene Strategies for Easter:  Are You Feeling a Bit Disconnected from Your Fellow Christian During HOLY WEEK and EASTER?

Is Holy Week and Easter Services Really Just for Christian Families, or Can Christian Singles Feel Included?

Being a Single Christian, it can sometimes feel a little disconnecting and disconcerting when so much of the Holy Week and Easter Services focus is on families.  Maybe you’re feeling just a little bit left our from your church’s Easter celebrations and Holy Week services when you’re a Christian Single.

Christian Singles Dating Scene Strategies for Easter:  Is There Something Positive to Do on Easter to Meet Your Fellow Single Christians?

Christian Singles, Single Christians, Easter, Holy Week,
Holy Week Garden

What is something positive and constructive you can do at Church on Easter?

Well, certainly, don’t just mope around at home and watch Easter being celebrated only on television.  Being Single and Christian during Easter and Holy Week can feel akin to Jesus alone and lonely in the Garden of Gethsemane. You really do have a number of positive options to pursue instead which will get you out and happily and casually meeting a variety of your fellow Single Christians on Easter morning.

Many of the Christian Churches offer an early morning service followed by a special Easter Breakfast or Easter Brunch.  Do aim to attend that special fellowship meal and the Easter Service just before or just afterwards.

Do take a look at the church‘s website as well as the Events listings in your local town’s website to see at what time the special Easter Breakfast or Easter Brunch is being served.  Maybe you’ll want to attend a different church than usual for you on Easter morning in order to leverage an Easter morning Breakfast or Easter Brunch.

Do be sure to chat up the people to your right or left in the Breakfast Buffet Line and at the Brunch Table.  If you’re eating Easter Breakfast at your own church, there are so many visitors at all the churches on Easter morning, do be sure to sit at a table with people you do not yet know.

Christian Singles Dating Scene Strategies for Easter:  Why Do You Want to Sit with Strangers at Easter Breakfast at Church?

If you sit with people you already know, if you’re like the majority of us we tend towards spending the majority of our time then talking mostly with the people we already know.  Doing that will keep you just the way you are and experiencing just what you are experiencing now – being a Christian Single.

Tomorrow I’ll address some conversation openers you can safely use.  Be sure to subscribe to my ezine and check back at my blog before you head out for services Easter morning!

Happy Dating and Relationships,

April Braswell

Christian Dating and Relationship Expert

As seen in Dating for Dummies, 3rd Edition

Ms. Braswell leads Online Dating Success Workshops for singles of all ages in both Orange County and Los Angeles County in Southern California.  Southern California Internet Dating Singles Workshops
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April Braswell

April Braswell is internationally recognized as America's Midlife Dating and Relationship Mentor and the award winning expert columnist at Bringing over 40 years of Sales and Marketing expertise, April is a the trusted Small Business Consultant and Coach to Leading Executives and Emerging Leaders. Author of best seller, Get Swipe Right. April coaches marriage-minded men and women to find and attract love, your best life partner. Life Love Love relationship. Love after 40 and 50. Photos appear by licenses with iStock. All rights reserved.

Reader Interactions


  1. Hi April,

    Thank you for sharing some ideas and tips for singles who may be spending Easter alone. I especially like the ideas of chatting up people in the buffet line at the Church Breakfast and sitting with people you don’t know … making it easier to connect with like-minded individuals.

    Stay Amazing, Neil

  2. I love how you are consistantly promoting the idea of Socializing with others, new people strangers, stepping out of your comfort zone and letting others in, making them feel comfortable and welcome.

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