OC Singles Event: Fountain Valley Summer Concert Series

Thursdays in July 2011 just heated up for OC singles to have more social options, enjoy Orange County summers and casually and comfortably socialize with others.  Just the way things work in The OC:  casual and beautiful sunny weather!

After the 4th of July with all of the Orange County Parades and Fireworks Displays, you’ll probably want a few days to relax and then get back into the social swing of things here in The OC.  One option that offers a number options for just kicking back in the evenings and casually socializing without having to do the whole singles bar scene is to look at the fun social events which a number of  the OC area cities offer.

Fountain Valley Summer Concert Series

A bit more further inland than the by-the-ocean Independence Day celebration options offered by Newport Beach and Surf City Huntington Beach is Fountain Valley.  Yeah, the weather is always a bit sunnier and you won’t get that morning marine layer waiting to burn off.

Starting right after the 4th of July, running from July 7 – 28, 2011 for the four Thursdays in July Fountain Valley is sponsoring a Summer Concert Series.  The bands which are featured are doing tributes to more famous bands, doing fun covers of Rock and Roll songs which will captivate and engage the audience.  I can definitely envision some singing along with the bands as well as free style dancing from the audiences who show up to listen.

Fountain Valley Summer Concerts in the Park Series

There are even Pre-Event activities each night of the Fountain Valley Summer Park Concert series, each offering a different theme and opportunity to socialize and just light meet other OC residents who want to get out and enjoy the perfect SoCal Summer weather and some fun music during the month of July 2011.

Happy Dating and Relationships,

April Braswell

Dating and Relationship Expert

As seen in Dating for Dummies, 3rd Edition

Ms. Braswell leads Internet Dating Success Workshops for singles of all ages in both Orange County and San Diego Count.  To hear about the workshops in detail and the dates of the workshops, just sign up for her ezine in the Right Hand Column of her popular Relationship Dating Expert blog.



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April Braswell

April Braswell is internationally recognized as America's Midlife Dating and Relationship Mentor and the award winning expert columnist at DatingAdvice.com. Bringing over 40 years of Sales and Marketing expertise, April is a the trusted Small Business Consultant and Coach to Leading Executives and Emerging Leaders. Author of best seller, Get Swipe Right. April coaches marriage-minded men and women to find and attract love, your best life partner. Life Love Love relationship. Love after 40 and 50. Photos appear by licenses with iStock. All rights reserved.

Reader Interactions


  1. The Fountain Valley Concerts in the Park sounds like an ideal way to spend some time with singles. It sounds like a great way to find someone who relaxes similairly to you.

  2. Music concerts sound like a good place to take your date . Nothing like talking about music to get to know someone .

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