Internet Dating Textetiquette Texting Tip #4 for Singles: Phoning Timing

Indeed, once the man has a woman’s phone number, then what are the expectations between the sexes of timing?

I know these things got covered very specifically by fictional single guys who did terribly with women in the fun Hollywood movie, “Swingers,” where the dateless girlfriendless guy advises his buddy not too phone a woman too soon, that he should wait at least 2 or 3 days.

Well, go ahead.  See how that works for you.  Because trust me, beautiful women with engaging personalities have other men pursuing them. So, g’head.  If you get her phone number, let’s say on a Friday or Saturday night and you wait until next Wednesday or Thursday to phone her, in her mind, you’re long gone.  Kevin Bettencort of Las Vegas had the right answer for the only really sort of acceptable texting prephone call is to ask her if phoning tonight at 7:30 pm is a good time for her.  Yup.  Man up.  Phone her.

Now, not every phone number exchange between singles is accomplished in the swing night club lifestyle of the Los Angeles singles scene bar life.  In fact, if you are implementing what I suggest to both single men and women, then you’re easily and readily meeting at least 5 new people each and every day as you Do Your Daily 5.  It’s all of those sort of situations where more singles really do typically meet casually in ways that lead to lasting romance and relationships.

Attractive Couple Drinking Coffee Together
Attractive Couple Drinking Coffee Together

So let’s say you’re a single guy and you met this attractive woman (ok, in your mind you’re thinking, “hot chick.”) this evening at the Starbucks Happy Hour.  You manned up, approached her, chatted her up, and you got her phone number.

Maybe you sent her a short text like, “Nice to meet you.  You’re beautiful,” tonight after you got home.  And then you need to phone her within a 48 hour range after meeting her.  Because you two have actually met in person, you can do a little more texting than a guy who met her online.

If you got her phone number at the internet dating site then you need to phone her I am even going to say within 36 hours.  You don’t have to phone her within hours of getting her phone number, but you do need to phone her within about 1 day of her giving you her phone number.  Because at an online dating site, you two have already agreed to the two of you meeting to go on a first date.  You don’t need to worry about her now rejecting your approach.

The only reason she would now reject your approach is if you annoy her with wussy text messages for a few days, phone her to chat, and then only sort of wimp out and bookmark a maybe date in over a week away.

If you make her wait too long for the first phone call or for the first date, you’ll annoy her and she’ll just write you off figuring you’re just not that into her.  And then a guy phones, gets a tepid response from her, thinks online dating just doesn’t work for him, or that single women are just too high maintenance.  It’s because of confused and contradictory expectations about texting and phoning timing.

Ideally, guys, phone her within 24 hours of your getting her phone number via having met online.  Doing so you’ll demonstrate your manliness and real interest in meeting her.

Happy Dating and Relationships,

April Braswell

Internet Dating and Relationship Expert

as seen in “Dating for Dummies” 3rd Edition

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Online Dating Phone Etiquette
Online Dating Phone Etiquette

Have you tried internet dating?  But it’s not really working for you like the glamorous images you see depicted in the tv ads?  Want help to be successful and safe with online dating?  Are you ready to get online and look for love using the exciting internet dating sites?

Have you been online for awhile, but you just don’t seem to be finding and attracting the right kind of singles for you?  April offers her Professional Internet Dating Profile Writing and Review Service to empower modern singles to attract love online and get better dates.

If you already have an online dating profile, she will review it and assist you to rev it up to be more attractive and alluring to the opposite sex.

If you are at square one and want to get online, with her Internet Dating Profile Writing service, she’ll help you capture and convey your unique essence online and get your profile posted asap.

To apply to hire April for her Internet Dating Profile Writing and Review Coaching Service, send her an email to april (AT) to get started in finding the love you want online.


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April Braswell

April Braswell is internationally recognized as America's Midlife Dating and Relationship Mentor and the award winning expert columnist at Bringing over 40 years of Sales and Marketing expertise, April is a the trusted Small Business Consultant and Coach to Leading Executives and Emerging Leaders. Author of best seller, Get Swipe Right. April coaches marriage-minded men and women to find and attract love, your best life partner. Life Love Love relationship. Love after 40 and 50. Photos appear by licenses with iStock. All rights reserved.

Reader Interactions


  1. April, While this might not seem important to some guys, it really is. Every relationship has a sort of momentum. a dance…and if the ball gets dropped early on…it never seems to gets started again. Calling within a reasonable time frame is a big part of that!
    Sonya Lenzo

  2. April, I love your expert dating advice but I have one question. By texting a woman is beatiful, can texting her that get a guy in trouble if that is what she is used to hearing, wouldnt she like to know she has other awesome features like a fun personality or that the is super smart.?
    Scott Sylvan Bell
    Persuasive selling abilities
    Now go implement!

  3. Is dating getting too technical ? Why listen to your friends , just phone the gal as you suggest April , within 24 hrs .

  4. Now I’m really confused!!! It wouldn’t be the first time when women were involved. Maybe I’ve been out of this game for awhile. I’m assuming I met a woman at an online dating service. This tells me she is actively looking. I’m assuming I had to ask for her number rather than her just blurting it out due to my rugged handsomeness. I guess my question would be what is too soon? I think I may call her or text my question immediately.

  5. I think 24 hours is good, 2-3 days?? You would think he is not interested any more,…I think!

  6. How true. If guy waits too long the gal thinks he’s just not that into her and so she moves on. And re-ignightig the initial spark it’s always gonna work.


  7. You are right about this! Especially when it comes to internet dating. If the woman gives you her phone number the hard part is really already over. You’ve agree online to go out now all that is left is a phone call to seal the deal. Waiting to long will definitely give her a reason to reject you.
    Leadership Is A Choice

  8. You see this problem on TV shows sometimes. The all to famous, ‘how long until I call her?’…….

  9. I’ve heard about the “3 day rule” and what a load that is! You expertly pointed out that if the woman is attractive and has a great personality, there is, more than likely, quite a few men interested in dating her … one best be memorable upon the first meeting that you can actually afford to wait a day or two before calling – but if she’s that great, why would you even want to wait?

    Best, Neil

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