Top 10 Dating Tips: Ladies, How to Snag a Guy’s Attention and Talking with Men
Women often want tips about how to get a guy’s attention they see out in public during their daily like and want advice about how to break the ice with men and talk, making natural conversation. Single ladies seek out dating advice and tips about how to make contact with those cute guys who cross our paths just like men want help.
However, women want to know how to break the ice and talk with me and get a guy’s attention in modern feminine ways.
Here’re 10 tips to help your break the ice and get a man’s attention, being proactive with what you want in your life, while remaining feminine and letting them be modern men! Read on to learn how!
Break the Ice with Men and Get a Guy’s Attention #1: Do Freshen Your Grooming
Often during the day we are exposed to wind. We drink coffee or tea and eat food during the day. Our hair gets windswept.
Suddenly, it’s the afternoon and your hair looks seriously disheveled. It’s not just ruffled in an appealing manner. Now your make up has melted somewhat. Your lip gloss and lipstick is warn off. You just don’t look as polished and as well groomed as you did in the morning before we left for work. Whatever your hairstyle, it’s not the great look you had when you left your home for work today, right?
Throughout the day, do make efforts to freshen your personal grooming. The quality of your personal grooming speaks volumes to others about your body language flirting level. Just your little extra effort itself in being fresh is enough to catch a man’s eye and get a guy’s attention.
Tuck a purse sized hairbrush into your favorite bag if it won’t fit in your wristlet.
Get a Guy’s Attention #2: Do Spiff Up Your Make Up

Your personal grooming speaks for you to the opposite sex of your level of interest in and availability for a romantic relationship. Keep a comb or small hair brush in your purse. The lip color you selected today, keep that lipstick with your to freshen your appearance and brighten your face today.
Bring a compact to powder your nose and a your favorite tinted lip gloss or lipstick. Lastly keep in your desk drawer or purse some powder or mineral make up to powder your nose. You need not go for a full 80s matte makeup face. Looking a little dewy in your complexion can draw a man’s gaze to you and transfix him with your feminine allure.
You do not have to do a full face reapplication of make up to get a guy’s attention.
Get a Guy’s Attention #3: Do Dress Feminine Attractive
Do aim for your dress, ensemble and appearance to speak exclusively of your being a woman even before it speaks or your being a business person. To keep your grooming fresh keep in mind throughout the day that your clothes might need straightening.
There are clothing sprays you can keep at your desk to freshen the fabric of your clothes in case any sitting wrinkles occurred.
Keep the bottle in your desk or business tote. Spritz your clothes and smooth the wrinkles out. It’s not quite the same as when you took them out of your closet or the dryer, or picked them up at the dry cleaners, but them can look freshened.
Before you go out for the evening, consider changing into either a dress or skit outfit to accentuate visual contrast with a man and foster romantic chemistry.
Dating Tips for Women #4: Do Wear High Heels to Get a Guy’s Attention
Wearing high heels both shapes your calves attractively and the rest of your feminine figure in an eye catching manner. Additionally, high heels can provide you with a little extra height to accentuate your personal presence and carriage.
Many men find high heels on a women very attractive and alluring. High heels can feature amazingly feminine elements which are just fun and intriguing.
Fashionable high heels can be in different fabrics and colors. They might feature fascinating feminine little do dads such as crochet, a bow, rhinestones and other elements. Your high heels can be of different heel heights.
Not every woman can or wants to wear 4” heels. Still a 1” heel is feminine and appealing or a 3″ heel.
Dating Tips for Single Women #5: Do Wear Eye Catching Colors to Get a Guy’s Attention
Since men are so visually stimulated and so much of their initial attraction with a woman is based on her appearance, it’s really an easy dating tip to suggest you dress to snag a man’s attention with your attractive dress and appearance.
In addition to the “don’t leave home without ’em” basics of mascara and lipstick or tinted lip gloss, use other attributes of your clothes to captivate and fascinate to get a guy’s attention.
Add to your attraction level and attract his eye appealingly with colors for his eyes.
Depending on your own unique coloring will determine what those colors should be.
Burgundy or forest green in rich fabrics like velvet or corduroy can be wonderful on fair skinned women. Women with darker coloring often look their vivid best in bright jewel tones.
Dating Tips for Single Women #6: Do Wear Feminine Fabrics
Adding to the potential elements of your dress and grooming to contrast with men are the fabrics you choose to wear.
Even if you are wearing a business suit of crisp wool gabardine just as a man would, you can add feminine contrast fabric textures in the choice of the blouse you wear.
Let it be of sensual touch inviting fabrics like satin or charmuse or breeze catching chiffon.
Alternatively, do consider weaving in suits or jackets for your work business look to be in more sensuous body language flirting signaling touch-me fabrics like corduroy and velvet in the Autumn or Winter months.
Velour and velvet offer a nubby touching sensual quality to your appearance and can captivate a man’s attention with your fascinating feminine ways which contrast with his.
Dating Tips for Single Women #7: Do Wear Interesting Accessories
By interesting I mean aim to catch interest and be intriguing. However do avoid accessories which are gaudy or garish. Accessories should ideally add to and really complete your ensemble and feminine appearance.
Additionally they can have the added benefit of being a touch fascinating, enough to catch some interest and attention sufficient to entice men to acknowledge and compliment you on them, thusly serving both to catch his attention in a fascinatingly feminine manner as well as breaking the ice for a conversation starter.
Dating Tips for Single Women #8: Do Carry a Book
Carry a book with an interesting cover or large print of the title of the book. Your book is to be in many ways an additional accessory to your outfit. Your book is to serve as a conversation starter and additional option for single men to break the ice and start talking with you. Of course it is a book which you read and enjoy.
It is not meant to be such an accessory that wouldn’t actually read it. Just from among the books you have at home or borrowed from the Public Library choose a book with an intriguing image on the cover or one which features large font text of the title.
Dating Tips for Single Women #9: Do Move In Front of Him
To add to your visual appeal to a man, when you are a public place such as a restaurant for lunch or coffee bar, you want to add the element of physical movement to catch his eye and attention. Often men are engaged in eating their meal or drinking their gourmet coffee and working on their laptop. Their attention is otherwise engaged. Their focus on other things.
To catch their attention just a little, enough for them to notice you and for you to generate a little romantic interest in you, move into his visual range and move about within it a bit.
Dating Tips for Single Women #10: Do Ask for His Masculine Assistance
Masculine men do actually want to be of service and be helpful to women. They feel their masculine essence and get to enjoy that when they do. To use a feminine way of breaking the ice and opening the conversation, find something over which you can ask him for some gesture of masculine assistance to you. The gesture does not have to be highly complex.
In fact, since this is a total stranger, just ask for some way for him to assist you. Oh, the particularly heavy box in your car you purchased from IKEA, could he help you get it out of your and take it to your apartment? In the coffee shop, “Oh! Would you please pass me the low fat milk?”
Happy Dating and Relationships,
April Braswell
So, THAT’S why that woman asked me to carry that 150 lb desk in a box to her car at IKEA. I thought she was just trying to get a kickback from her chiropractor. 🙂
The Success Secrets
I must be one of the few men who find make-up off-putting, but other than that, they seem like great tips. The one about carrying a book is interesting – being an avid reader, that would certainly engage me (assuming it’s not some form of mass-market romance novelette).
As a man I can tell you that all of those tips are great tips for women. I think #8 is a tip that would get my attention for sure and it would make for a great icebreaker too. And tip #10 I would say is my favorite. Any man that is worth salt would jump at the first mention of a female in need of assistance!!!
Lynn Lane
The Warrior Of Success
Nice tips. I must say that I will often strike up a conversation with a perfect stranger when they are holding a book. As an avid reader, I enjoy conversations with other readers so that one definitely makes sense to me.
Regarding tip #10, is that why my wife is always asking me to open a jar for her? 😉
Dennis Perry
Well, April, these would all work on me. And your examples are fantastic!
I have seen the women you talk about in #1 and #2 who look like their day slapped them in the face. It doesn’t take more than a couple of minutes to get your hair and face in order.
Yours In Health!
Dr. Wendy M. Schauer, D.C., R.K.C.
Thanks again April for all the reminding for us!!! and some great dating tips for singles that I didn’t even know existed!