As promised in yesterday’s blog post, where I recommended you pick up a copy of Moving On: Dump Your Relationship Baggage and Make Room for the Love of Your Life and do the simple Grief Recovery Process actions steps before you seriously relaunch yourself into dating. For Midlife Singles, boomers, Gen X and soon Gen Y s over the age of 40, 45 years old and over 50 years old, invariably, there have been a series of romantic relationships which need to be completed EMOTIONALLY (not just the intellectual evaluation of them) before you are empowered to move on emotionally to attract the new love of your life.
That said, now that you have DONE that, NOW WHAT?
I’m going to GIVE AWAY for FREE a lot of what I give to clients to help you out here. I can’t possibly work with everyone who needs it. So, I have to give this away a lot to help you. Because my goal is for you to experience a wonderfully fulfilling intimate romantic relationship. If you qualify with your commitment level and complete my application process, I may accept you as a client. But again, I can’t work with everyone who asks. There’s just not enough time in the day. So I’m giving a LOT of it away for your to work yourself.
Soooooo, to leverage my Sales and Marketing background, specifically my Product Marketing background from a billion dollar Fortune 500 company.
YOU are your product. Brand yourself.
Before you stick your tongue out at me and hate me and start spouting epitaphs. Work with me people. The point of this is not that you are not a fully developed richly nuanced human being. The point is that there are attributes about yourself that you use all the time to convey yourself in short hand. USE THOSE for your dating life as well.
There are characteristics that you ARE.
And there are characteristics that you are SO NOT.
Myself? I AM Caucasian. (seriously pale face) It would be laughably untrue to convey myself as being African-American. I just often date African-American men (notice I just revealed two things there.)
I am 7 Sisters Educated (Smith College, top ten Liberal Arts college when I went, National Merit Letter of Commendation, Grew up in Princeton, NJ. Thank you very much) I am NOT a Hooser basketball fan, nor am I a Canadian who loves the national sport of Lacrosse. (Can you BELIEVE the national sport is NOT hockey? I was bereft when I learned that recently. )
See what I am demonstrating? None of what I am or am not matters in terms of values or being better or less than. Just. They are characteristics.
You want to make a 3 column worksheet. OK, so I worked in Accounting and Finance and my LOVE of Excel spreadsheets is showing.
Column 1: Physical Attributes to describe yourself, both good and bad. This is about being real.
Column 2: Personality Attributes to describe yourself. Yup, again, both good and bad. We want to BE TRUTHFUL. This will not be about being overly honest to the point of, sigh, excessive self-disclosure. Just about… be truthful. Think the concept, “Every man must make an accounting.” Be honest here. Be truthful.
Me? Tend towards clutter. I’m more emotional than a thinker. I struggle with my weight. Do I ALSO look, yes, thank you, beautiful, sexy and gorgeous? yes.
See what I mean? The sweet with the sour.
Last column
Column 3: MISC STUFF
What are some innnnnnnteresting things about you. Please hear the voice of Bugs Bunny talking to The Monster while filing his nails, “soooooo, tell me MORE about yourself.”
I’m a Fundamentalist Baptist. I’m conservative, Republican with some Libertarian leanings. I met John B. Anderson and Luciano Pavarotti as a teenager. I love Puccini AND Hockey. I’m a city slicker who loves to hike.
And YOU?
Fill in your columns and give me just few examples each.
This is a serious offer. The Singles who follow my blog, if you answer with a few examples in the comments section, I will give you some Online Dating Profile writing *FR*E *E help. If you write in the comments, I’ll help you, at least over the next few days. If you respond to this post like 6 months from now, the offer will be CLOSED by then.
In the mean time, be sure to prepare yourself with the Grief Recovery work. Seriously folks….
Happy Dating and Relationships,
April Braswell
I’m on it April.
Christian Haller
This is great advice for boomers who are ready to experience a wonderfully fulfilling intimate romantic relationship.
What a great market dating and grief recovery. You will be on Oparah before long.
Bob Kaufer
Thanks for all the useful ideas for Boomers dating. Great to read your post every day, April.
Lynn Lane
This is great stuff. I always thought Gary Halbert’s personal ad was great…
Generous, Creative Businessman
Wants To Find A Hot, Sexy Woman
With A Good Sense Of Humor
Seize the Day,
Good post. Know yourself, know your persona.
Steve Chambers, The Sales Expert
Umm, being married and not single, I’m not eligible for the your FREE ooffer :((
On the brighter side, I don’t need to face the music to list out my dark side :))
I like your “Column 2: Personality Attributes”. Pure Numerology will spill out them in no time.
John Ho
I am going to brand myself like cattle! I’m going to brand a heart on my bum!
Seriously though, your advice makes sensed and is actionable. We should be our best advertisment.
Applying effective marketing strategies to creating our unique personal brand is a very cool idea. It make a lot of sense. I’ll have to sit down and go through the 3-colmun exercise.
All the best,
Your strategy is brilliant; with an April in their corner people should expect not to be single for long.
Philip Graves
author of “The Secret of Selling: How to Sell to Your Customer’s Unconscious Mind”
That should get people started getting in touch with who they are and how that pertains to a relationship. It is said that opposites attract but I don’t believe that really works well unless there are sufficient similarities to keep people together. With your free offer of evaluation spreadsheets, it will be easy for someone to take a closer look at who they really are.
Very interesting post! It’s always a pleasure to read.
I like the way you leverage things to opportunity and yet manage to ease the pressure.
That was a pleasure to read. You provided good information in the form of instructions that your readers can follow. If I was single I would consider you a valuable resource to help me become un-single.
Health, Fitness — Darryl Pace
April you had me cracking up about the Buggs Bunny monsters part. The rest you had my full attention.
Don Shepherd
Hi there April. Yeah, dating now seems so different than before when I was younger and single.