OCBC LDS Christian Singles Event, the Halloween Spooktacular Dance
As I mentioned in my blog post introducing the topic of Halloween, there are a ton of Halloween themed and inspired events for singles as well as just a number of great Halloween parties, many of which are great places to more casually meet and mingle with singles.
The LDS Christian Singles cluster themselves by age, which I was just letting a number of singles who attended one of my Internet Dating Workshops last night know about. Some the Faith Based Singles groups will cluster by age. Some of the churches, synagogues and temples are small and they have just one Singles Group and anyone can belong. When that is the case, they typically do more service projects together than social mixing events. The LDS Christian Adult Singles definitely do both service projects and have an abundance of social mixing events. Community service is one of the core tenets of the LDS faith.
The LDS Singles groups are typically clustered not so much By Church but rather by Region. In LDS terminology, by “Stakes.” A number of small – medium sized Christian churches of other denominations are feeling the financial pinch with the economy right now and are scaling back on their Christian Singles Group Ministry. I’ve been hearing from Christian singles in the Non-Denominational and Evangelical traditions of Christianity asking me about How To Organize a Christian Singles Group in their area which could be open to Christian Singles from (gasp) Other Churches. (I’m teasing. Often we do marry another Christian from another church. Then in marriage you get to decide where the two of you will attend and become members, or decide to attend services separately the majority of the time and together for special occasions. When you’re raising a family together, aligning with 1 church fosters the family relationship more.)
How the LDS Christian Singles Cluster their Singles Groups, Singles Events, and Singles Activities by age:
Single Adults for those in their 20s.
30s is those in their late 20s and into your 30s.
Mid-Singles is for the 28 – 45 year old singles. Although I have seen some of the Mid-Singles groups identify this age group as 25 – 39 years old, 27 – 45 year olds as well as 27 – 42 year olds. This cluster of LDS Christian Singles in particular will often add a little caveat of, “If you’re within a few years either side of the age range, you’re welcome to join us,” or words to that effect. A little age difference in a marriage can sometimes add to the romantic chemistry in the relationship. You’ll notice all of the age clusters provide a little age overlapping to accommodate that.
40s is for later 30s and into your 40s.
50s is for late 40s and into your 50s.
Elite is for those singles in their late 50s and into your 60s and above.
In Orange County / Beach Cities Socal the Mid-Singles LDS Christian Singles are sponsoring a Halloween Party called Spooktacular. The event is for Single Adults and Mid-Singles (31+). They highly encourage wearing a costume by offering you a financial incentive: $5.00 admission for those in costume, and $10.00 admission for those without a costume. Additionally they let you know that the majority of those singles attending, 95% of them, typically do wear a costume. Thus you can be more comfortable and join in the group behavior by donning a costume. Plus there are costume contests, with both group and individual categories. Naturally there is dance music. The DJ is Jon McFerson.
No Mask wearing and no cross-dressing, which is in keeping with LDS modes of dress and conduct.
As you create and prepare your costume, you’ll want to know the Costume Contest Categories!
Costume Contest Individual Categories
Most Creative, Best Superhero, Best Fairytale, Best Ethnic Costume, Tackiest, Best Concept, Best Retro Halloween Costume, Best Animal, Cheapest, Most Intriguing, Best Movie Character, Best TV Character, Best Overall, Funniest, Bling-iest, Best Sports, Best Cartoon Character, Best Scariest (Yet Not Goriest), Fabulous, Best Couple, Most Outrageous, and OCBC Committee’s Choice
Costume Contest Group Categories (For 3 or More People):
Most Creative, Best Concept, Best Era (Pre-1950), Best Era (Post-1950)
This fun event features quite a number of social options including a Chili Cookout and a Game Room.
OCBC Spooktacular!
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Brea Bldg
151 N Poplar Ave
Brea, CA 92821
8pm -12 am
You find the full OCBC Spooktacular dance party details at the event Facebook Page: OCBC Spooktacular Halloween Singles Party
Have fun at the Halloween Party!
Happy Dating and Relationships,
April Braswell
Dating and Relationship Expert
As seen in Dating for Dummies, 3rd Edition
April Braswell speaks to singles in Singles Groups and Divorce Recovery Groups as well as at Singles Dating Workshops and Singles Conferences. Hire April to speak at your Singles Event? Send an email with your dates and event details and needs: April (@) AprilBraswell.com
I like how the late 50’s and older group is called the ELITE group. 🙂
Also had to crack-up a bit at the no cross-dressing stipulation for the Halloween costumes. Always cracks me up to see some burly guy with hairy forearms in a sun dress 🙂
As always, you know how to identify and describe a wealth of singles events!
Steve Jobs Commencement Speech
I love this time of year. So much fun! Many fun activities and this sounds like a great one.
Yes yes the older group is the ELITE GROUP, Michael!!!Sounds like a very fun event!!! Wish I could be there, April!!!
Sonya Lenzo
What a great overview of what is sure to be s spooktacular event! Like Michael, I too, had to chuckle with the “no cross dressing” rule … I remember at a church I attended, they used to call the 50+ the “Closer To God” group – yeah, that didn’t last long 🙂
Stay Amazing and Do Great Things, Neil
Public Service Announcement
As far as Christian singles events Halloween parties are amonst the most fun. Making certain they make it a Halloween Singles Party, LDS Singles Dating should be fun for all.
The age overlaps are interesting. What do you think of that? Should they even be separated at all?
Cherie Miranda
Simple Meditation
You certainly are the authority on singles dating. Even getting the LDS community to celebrate Halloween. I’m impressed.
Even more opportunities for singles to meet – April, you’re full of interesting and varied suggestions for ways to meet new people!
Should you idle your car when stopped, or switch off to save fuel and pollution? For how long?
April, what a great article of places for LDs singles to meet in the Orange County.
Scott Sylvan Bell
Reading car salesmen body language
Now go implement!
There are so many options for singles today to meet people of similar interest. I think in my dating days you had night clubs and wedding receptions to meet someone.
These mixer are a fabulous idea.
Critical Success Factor
Halloween is fun time of the year and can be a great opportunity for singles.
April, I love this line!
A little age difference in a marriage can sometimes add to the romantic chemistry in the relationship…
Looking forward to tomorrow!
Create a great day!
Time to Care for the Caregiver Now?
Sounds like a good time should be had by all .
So soon, finally, I will be elite. The Individual Categories for the Costume Contest sure seems fun.
Tidy up home storage organization together.